Thursday, October 9, 2014

Four Early Steps to Lose Weight

Appearance is the number one concern at the moment, which is why a lot of people who want to lose weight or at least have an ideal body. See this phenomenon as an opportunity, then now we often see competing products offer a solution to weight problems , ranging from herbal ingredients which says from up that will guarantee the success of their products. A lot of people finally try and use the products or the ways that she can lose weight quickly, they usually do is start regardless of the initial steps in the process of losing weight. finally you know, most of them swallow disappointment, whether it's weight does not go down or even after a fall to rise again weighed. Because of that, the initial steps in losing weight is very important to me. On this occasion, I will give you a little advice on what steps to consider when starting your diet. 

1. BROOD, brood well yes !!! you may be wondering why should contemplate. Ponder here is that you have to think again why your weight to be like this, why did you become so fat, what kind of lifestyle you have done so you get the body that is less than ideal, what food you eat during this time, and others that relate why you became like this now. Remember !! note that all in a paper so that from this moment you will already have a list of things what you should avoid, what foods you should subtract. But that you also have to find a strong enough reason why you have to have an ideal body.

2. Specify the target weight loss that you want. Usually you certainly will define the target as high as 30 pounds in a month or 6 pounds a week, there is nothing wrong with this target but it would be nice if you specify the target starts from a smaller, ideally within 1 week if you exercise regularly weight you will experience a decline of about 1 to 2 pounds or in a month so about 8 pounds. The goal is more to your satisfaction if you can reach the target, very worried if too high you will be disappointed because you can not hit the target you specify, but if you specify the target of about 2 pounds in a week if reached or even more than that you will definitely feel satisfied and I am sure you would be more excited again.

3. Start Exercising, I strongly recommend to immediately enroll in a nearby gym in your home, I 've discussed in my previous article, why weight training can lose weight with a relatively quick time. But if you feel you do not have enough time to go to the gym, I highly encourage you to do jogging, less than 30 minutes a day doing this 3x a week, the aim is for you to have better stamin.

4. GREAT INTENTIONS, desire alone is not enough in the process of weight loss, the strong intention is most needed. Every you feel bored or tired in the process of weight loss, will always remember the reason why you have to have an ideal body, as I mentioned in point 1, you have to find a strong enough reason to start my weight loss. 

That's four initial steps to lose weight based on my personal experience, I feel these steps are very important in the process of my weight loss. I advice you should avoid any product that promises weight loss very quickly or even instantly, sometimes the products as it is very dangerous for the body. Do your weight loss naturally, I 've never discussed in my previous article about the secret to losing weight. I hope this article can help to start your weight loss process.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

3 Elements To Weight Loss (Supplements)

Would you like to get into shape with a relatively fast ?

I 'm sure most people would say YES and I 'll give you the secret, you know the secret was a supplement. Supplementation is an option in losing weight you may choose to use it or not, but the supplement is the best option for those who want to lose weight relatively quickly, remember I did not say instant !!! many people assume that the use of supplements is not good for the body, even some people think supplements are dangerous drugs. Here I will explain why supplements are an important part in the process of losing weight and maintaining your health .

our bodies have a need for nutrients derived from the food we eat, but sometimes the nutritional needs can not be met because our diet is not quite right or because of our own ignorance in terms of the nutrients our body needs. Function here is as a complementary supplement will lack the nutrients your body needs, remember supplements are not drugs that can cure a disease or to provide instant results.

When the intake of nutrients in our body not met, the performance of the body can't automatically run optimally, such as for example is when we do weight training, at the time the body needs protein to build muscle at the same time as energy is broken down, if protein intake is less, then the body will take the protein in muscle and is broken down into energy and you know yourself the results, even if you exercise regularly but the load with your muscle growth runs less than the maximum. You have you ever heard of a friend or relative told you that you that after she/he did her/his hair into weight training often fall ??? it means that the body takes the protein of the hair as a means to meet the shortcomings of muscle formation . 

Multivitamins and minerals is one of the most important elements to get the ideal body, our body requires the intake of multivitamins and minerals every day in order to function optimally, I strongly encourage you to take multivitamins and minerals in addition to supporting health as well as the controller can weigh you down. I am not a nutritionist or health expert, so I do not know what nutrients needed by the body, but now many products are sold multivitamins and minerals contained in 1 tablet, you can choose which products are best for you. I will now discuss the supplements are suitable for those who want to lose weight, in accordance with the above title , 3 elements to lose weight , remember these three elements you have to do to get a very satisfactory result, because I have to prove myself. 

Supplement that I use is whey protein with milk protein content of about 83 % per serving, and I also use supplements to speed up your metabolism, here I do not recommend fat-burning supplements because the supplement is addressed to those who are already experienced. For the use of supplements depending on your needs for the purposes of the nutrients you need per day, of course, every person is different, and I can not give advice on this article, because  every person requires different nutritional needs. I therefore strongly recommend that you consult a more experienced person who can offer advice on exercise patterns and supplements that your body needs. and my last suggestion, in buying supplements you should pay attention to the nutritional content in it, whether it is in accordance with your need or not and remember it is never instant, do not be tempted to promotion that says you will get instant results, it's all certainly very dangerous for your body. satisfaction in losing weight is not the result but when you go through all the process, because I know it needs to sacrifice and determination are very strong.

keep the spirit and I am sure you would be satisfied with the outcome.

If you want to get a guide or advice from more experienced people you can see here :

If you want get muscle and lose fat at the same time 


If you want to know more about Body Building and some Diet Plan (I would suggest you do this if you are a beginner in terms of diet)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

3 Elements To Weight Loss ( Diet Plan )

Have been doing weight training and exercise but  body weight is not down ?
I recommend that you read this article, because you will be surprised by its contents 

In previous discussions I have discussed about workout / fitness, on this occasion I will discuss about the second element of the diet. Diet is one of the most important and vital element in the process of losing weight. I've discussed in my other articles about the important role diet and once again I will discuss here .

Whether you know that the burning of fat in our bodies occurs during metabolism in our bodies is in progress. Our metabolism occurs when the body processes food into our bodies, when I give these tips about diet, maybe you will laugh and feel this is not possible, but you know how this works for me in my weight loss process. The secret to burning fat more leverage 5-6x strongly advised to eat a day, sounds impossible not to lose weight why should eat a lot, will not add to our weight ? it is a question that is often asked people to me, why should often eat ? The answer is that the metabolic processes in our body to be faster, so burning fat in our body so much faster as well. Many people ask, but I have not been hungry, why should I have to eat when not hungry ?? well as long as you know, that you do not feel hungry is a sign of metabolic processes in your body is running slow.
Remember !!!  eat a day 5-6x here should pay attention to nutrition of food that goes into our bodies, do not eat carelessly because if you eat haphazardly without regard to the outcome of the nutrients that enter less than the maximum. proper diet are foods high in protein and low in fat and carbohydrates, in the sense that we still consume carbohydrates or sugars such thing but in a limited portion. I do usually is 60 % protein and 40 % carbohydrates , because Carbohydrate also used by the body as an energy source when you do the activity . 

To see my eating schedule you should see my previous post , because I 've discussed everything there ..

Saturday, October 4, 2014

3 Elements To Weight Loss (Workout/ fitness)

It has been intensively exercise but not weight down ?

It has been intensively exercise but not weight down ? Already fitness every day but do not develop muscle ?

It's been eating less but still fat ?

Have Attended various diets but eventually fat again ?

Have you ever experienced the above questions ??? if you 've experience it means you feel what I ever tasted as well, but it was about a year ago. I used to weight about 215 pounds, then I feel very uncomfortable with that much weight, it is very difficult to find clothes that fit my body size, stamina quickly down during exercise, even with body fat makes me so lazy to move. Now I will share a little experience I finally discovered the secret of how to lose weight and make you become more athletic appearance. There are 3 elements in the process of losing weight, these three elements should be is fulfilled everything, if only one of the elements are met, then it's useless diet you do, because I am sure the result will not be maximal .The third element is the Workout / Fitness, Diet and Supplements. I will discuss these three elements one by one, on this occasion I will discuss about the workout .

I'm sure a lot of you who want to lose weight definitely choose jogging , running either morning or afternoon, but did you know to get maximum results in losing weight I strongly encourage you to register at the gym closest to your home and flee to weight training build your muscles , because these muscles when we fixed the fat burning process in our body occurs approximately 48 hours after we do lift weights. There is nothing wrong in a run, but that fat burning occurs when running just happened at that time, so that less than the maximum fat burning process . you know, most people in the gym at the time of definitely warmed up by running on a treadmill or doing cardio with a very long time, once again there is nothing wrong, but you just do less than the maximum fat burning. when we do run or cardio with HIT rate of over 65 %, which is burnt sugar in the blood and remember sugar is producing energy in the body and the energy needed when we later weight training , weight training when the time later in the blood sugar has been exhausted, then automatically the body will take the protein present in the muscle and turn it into energy, which is why many people who have been doing weight training but less than the maximum muscle formation. Correct process is supposed to warm up before weight training, you should jog or cardio workout no more than 5 minutes, and do not forget to also need to stretch the muscles, this is the most important thing you should do if you do not want to get injured in the exercise later. Do weight training was approximately 45-60 minutes, after which segela continue to do a brisk walk for 30 minutes using a treadmill, can only remember a quick way and keep your HIT rate below 65 %, if your HIT rate below 65 % combustion is fat burning. During the training process you have to keep the water content in your body by drinking water as often as possible within reasonable limits to avoid dehydration.

Workout / fitness only one element in the ideal body shape and lose weight, there are two more elements that must be met in order to obtain your goals fulfilled the ideal body, I will share in the next post, so bookmark my blog and get the secret .   

If you want to get a guide or advice from more experienced people you can see here :

If you want get muscle and lose fat at the same time 


If you want to know more about Body Building and some Diet Plan (I would suggest you do this if you are a beginner in terms of diet)

( How to calculate HIT rate is ( 220 - age ) x0,65 example of my age 28 , ( 220-28 ) x0,65 = 201.8, means to burn fat I have to monitor my heart rate below 201 / minute )

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fun Diet With Delicious Food

are you frustrated your weight does not go down when you've been exercising intensively ?
Did you know that a diet that you do all depends on what you consume every day, no matter how hard the exercise you do will not make a change in your weight if you do not pay attention to the foods you eat. I'm sure your goal now is to figure out how you get the ideal body weight and of course the right way.
Now I will give you some tips on how to start a diet right and feels good.
During this time you must think that to lose weight should certainly reduce your meal portions or even you do not eat at all , like not eating breakfast or dinner, some even suggest to remove some of the nutrients in food intake, such as for example, should not consume that contain carbohydrates, sugar or salt. Excessive everything would result in less good for the body, but it does not mean you do not eat at all of all these nutrients, the nutrients the body needs to launch your metabolism.
Did you know a lot more fat burning occurs in your metabolism is running , metabolism occurs when the body is digesting or processing of food in our body, if you reduce your hours to eat, then the body's metabolism becomes less , of course the burning of fat in the body becomes less than the maximum.
Here I will tell you that to lose weight is to eat 5-6 times a day, may you laugh or feel funny when you know the reality as it is, I believe was also used to like you, but I 've proved it and it worked for me, but remember it does not mean you eat as much without regard to nutrients that are in your food, diet that is my high-protein low-carb and sugar.  
Diet that I do is like this : 

breakfast : omelete/ boiled eggs plus 2 slices whole wheat bread/ 1 cup of oatmeal;

morning snack (10.00 ) : 1 apple;

Lunch: 100g chicken breast/ meat/ fish , 1 cup brown rice and 1 cup of vegetables; 

afternoon snack ( 16.00) : a slice of whole wheat bread/ 1 cup oatmeal and 100g chicken breast/ fish/ meat; 

Dinner: 100g chicken breast/ fish/ meat and 1 cup of vegetables;

before bed : high-protein low-fat milk and sugar.

as you can see , my diet all contain high protein , by not reducing the intake of carbohydrates and sugars.
most people say that " I am not hungry , why should I eat "  if you know that the feeling is not hungry means your metabolism is going slowly. by increasing food intake into the body will make our metabolism back to normal and faster fat burning in the body so that we become increasingly faster.
if after you see the menu and my diet above you may feel uncomfortable or too weird to see that I eat every day , of course it's just a benchmark , what kind of diet should I eat and I will cook my meals in accordance with a standard menu above , if you feel confused about how to cook food that is healthy and good for diet , you can see it here Healthy And Delicious Food Recipes
I am sure after you see the recipes you will feel your diet will be fun. still follow the above diet and give your weight will go down , slowly but surely and remember all must be accompanied with regular exercise and the most important is the intention of your own self . 

Bookmark this page because in my next post I will share the pattern of proper training to build your muscles at the same time you burn fat .