Tuesday, October 7, 2014

3 Elements To Weight Loss (Supplements)

Would you like to get into shape with a relatively fast ?

I 'm sure most people would say YES and I 'll give you the secret, you know the secret was a supplement. Supplementation is an option in losing weight you may choose to use it or not, but the supplement is the best option for those who want to lose weight relatively quickly, remember I did not say instant !!! many people assume that the use of supplements is not good for the body, even some people think supplements are dangerous drugs. Here I will explain why supplements are an important part in the process of losing weight and maintaining your health .

our bodies have a need for nutrients derived from the food we eat, but sometimes the nutritional needs can not be met because our diet is not quite right or because of our own ignorance in terms of the nutrients our body needs. Function here is as a complementary supplement will lack the nutrients your body needs, remember supplements are not drugs that can cure a disease or to provide instant results.

When the intake of nutrients in our body not met, the performance of the body can't automatically run optimally, such as for example is when we do weight training, at the time the body needs protein to build muscle at the same time as energy is broken down, if protein intake is less, then the body will take the protein in muscle and is broken down into energy and you know yourself the results, even if you exercise regularly but the load with your muscle growth runs less than the maximum. You have you ever heard of a friend or relative told you that you that after she/he did her/his hair into weight training often fall ??? it means that the body takes the protein of the hair as a means to meet the shortcomings of muscle formation . 

Multivitamins and minerals is one of the most important elements to get the ideal body, our body requires the intake of multivitamins and minerals every day in order to function optimally, I strongly encourage you to take multivitamins and minerals in addition to supporting health as well as the controller can weigh you down. I am not a nutritionist or health expert, so I do not know what nutrients needed by the body, but now many products are sold multivitamins and minerals contained in 1 tablet, you can choose which products are best for you. I will now discuss the supplements are suitable for those who want to lose weight, in accordance with the above title , 3 elements to lose weight , remember these three elements you have to do to get a very satisfactory result, because I have to prove myself. 

Supplement that I use is whey protein with milk protein content of about 83 % per serving, and I also use supplements to speed up your metabolism, here I do not recommend fat-burning supplements because the supplement is addressed to those who are already experienced. For the use of supplements depending on your needs for the purposes of the nutrients you need per day, of course, every person is different, and I can not give advice on this article, because  every person requires different nutritional needs. I therefore strongly recommend that you consult a more experienced person who can offer advice on exercise patterns and supplements that your body needs. and my last suggestion, in buying supplements you should pay attention to the nutritional content in it, whether it is in accordance with your need or not and remember it is never instant, do not be tempted to promotion that says you will get instant results, it's all certainly very dangerous for your body. satisfaction in losing weight is not the result but when you go through all the process, because I know it needs to sacrifice and determination are very strong.

keep the spirit and I am sure you would be satisfied with the outcome.

If you want to get a guide or advice from more experienced people you can see here :

If you want get muscle and lose fat at the same time 


If you want to know more about Body Building and some Diet Plan (I would suggest you do this if you are a beginner in terms of diet)

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